Sunday, March 14, 2010

Getting M back to sleep in his crib

So, after almost a week of working with (or against) M to get him back to sleeping well in his crib, his is finally back there and has been there successfully for a few days. 

First step, took him to the pedi's to rule out an ear infection.  While he presented all of the symptoms, he checked out clear (except for an abundance of earwax - eww!  we now have to bubble it out of him with some peroxide.  yuck!) 

So, the pedi said that it was most likely teething that he was using "mommy time" to help him cope with his discomfort.  So he recommended that we do the following:

1) Give him .8 dose of Tylenol about an hour before bedtime
2) Restructure bedtime so that the last hour is quiet
3) Feed him and follow our normal evening routine
4) Put him down
5) Persevere if he wakes up and help him get back to sleep in his crib, even if it takes a week and some tears

Soooo, we followed his advice and we are on night 4.  The first night, he wanted to be put on his side with his pacifier, so we had to make a few trips in that evening between 8:30 - 11pm to get him down for good.  Each night, those trips into his room decreased by a time or 2.  Tonight, he has been down for an hour or so without a peep and back on his back. 

To get him on his side (because he isn't rolling yet), we had to roll up a blanket and put it behind his back.  Then, I "helped" him to get on his side and I stretched his bottom arm stretched out just to protect him from rolling onto his face.  I also put his lovey in between his arms to help him to feel close and to protect him from rolling onto his face. 

We also added 2 Hyland's teething tablets to his bottle to help with the teething.  After tonight, because I hate medicine, I am going to reduce his Tylenol dosage to .4 for a day or 2 and then see if I can phase it out completely. 

It was a great feat and I am so pleased that he is back to acting like his happy self.  Now, if I could just get him to roll over . . .

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