Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things I will remember if/when #2 comes along

#2 is barely even a topic of conversation as a possibility for us but this morning, a few things dawned on me that I want to remember when #2 comes along:

  1. Nap when the baby naps.  (will be tough if M is a toddler at home)
  2. Get help with nursing from Day 1 and advocate until I get the answer that I need/want so that I can continue to nurse
  3. Start to lay the baby down awake to go to sleep.  Then rocking will be a little treat instead of necessity.
  4. Let people help me.  With everything. 
  5. Don't feel guilty or ashamed to get a family member to watch the baby so that D & I can have some marriage time.
  6. Save up enough money to pay someone to clean the house.
  7. Get in the habit of using a cloth diaper system. 
  8. Get 2-3 glass Dr. Bronner's bottles.  The plastic ones don't get nearly as clean as I would like them to (although I am sure that I am a bit obsessive)
  9. Get in an exercise, eating, & showering routine right away so that I always remember to take those minutes for myself to make ME feel good. 
  10. Don't be afraid to let others know when I am feeling lonely or when I am needing some time to myself. 

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