Sunday, May 30, 2010

The "real" cry

So, it has arrived.  Gone are the days of the somewhat-cute whimpering cry of my little baby boy and here are the days of a real, honest-to-goodness cry.  He wasn't screaming or anything but last night, he started to really cry.  It was so sad.  He had wet through his onesie and when we went in to change and resettle him, he was really crying.  It broke my heart.  He had been producing tears since birth but these tears had real meaning.  He was upset and that was obvious.  He had been sleeping comfortably and then was awakened by that terrible wet/cold sensation.  And, Mommy & Daddy were not right there. 

I fear that we are entered a new phase of attachment to us and worry that we are about to embark on this new journey of helping M to learn how to settle himself.  I am NOT looking forward to it. 

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