Friday, April 9, 2010

Solid Food Introduction - borrowed from a fellow Mom

Another Mom shared this schedule with me, from her pedi:

When we start solids most kids are going to be more gassy and some more constipated, it is the nature of starting solids. Rice is the LEAST problematic as it is the most digestible grain.

There are MANY ways to start foods and I just state to take it easy, there is no rush, and it is more for development and less for nutrition until about age 9-12 months.

Here is my speech on foods.

1. Start with stage one, either fruit or veggie. Give each new food about 3 days by itself as a new food before starting the next new food so that if there are any food reactions then you know which one caused it.

2. Alternate between fruit and veggie, don't give all the veggies and then the fruits or vice versa as they might like one or the other and not want the other kind.

3. Start with one meal per day with cereal for about 3 weeks or so.

4. Then add the second meal per day with the new stage one food.

5. Any of the OK foods can be given at any meal of the day.

am-cereal x 3 weeks, then

am-cereal, pm-sweet potato for 3 days
am-cereal and sweet potato, pm-banana for 3 days
am-cereal and banana or sweet potato, pm-peas for 3 days. etc.

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