I am getting tired/worried re: sleep training.
Last night, M did ok with bedtime routine but still cried/fussed for 25 minutes. He cried harder tonight than last night (overly tired, perhaps?) and he woke up twice. One time, we just had to soothe him in the crib quickly and then leave him to cry again (5 minutes) but the other time he needed a poopy diaper changed and he woke up so we had to leave him to cry again (10 minutes or less). Also - he just seemed mad.
Maybe that was because we tried to nap train him that morning and let him cry for an hour (as per the book) and then soothed him so he could sleep. He was so upset when I went in to him and it took 15 minutes of soothing him to get him to sleep and then he only slept for 30 minutes.
I feel 100% confident that we are doing the right thing at night but I am not sold on the daytime stuff. Ugh - this is hard.
He fell asleep on our walk this morning and transferred for about 20 minutes when he woke up crying. I went in and he just had this look of fear on his face. I picked him up and he snuggled with me and went back to sleep. He has now been sleeping for another 30 minutes.
I just am so nervous about passing him off in a few short days to my mother-in-law without having some type of nap training in place. I don't want him to be a miserable toddler with no naps but I also cannot ask her to nap train him.
I am just sending up prayers that this week is the turning point.
Did I mention that I also think that he is teething for his next set of bottom teeth?? Yeah - pretty sure.
Good times.
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